Posted: September 30th, 2022

5 Steps to Improve Your Company's Cloud Security Posture

Today, businesses and organisations are out to explore the benefits of deploying to the cloud after noting its significance. With this, every industry is exploring the benefits which cloud computing offers and is using it to scale, optimize and modernize their infrastructure and majorly as a business to gain greater competitive advantage and enhance their business value. With this growing increase of organizations deploying activities in the cloud using cloud applications and software; organizations must tighten up their security, by having a form of security posture. This posture will help them prevent errors and scale seamlessly while staying competitive.

This makes maintaining a security posture more important than ever, as the increasing availability of products and services connected to company and customer data increases exposure to attacks. Cloud security posture management (CSPM) is key to mitigating security risk while enabling the use of innovative cloud technologies that drive better business results.

*Therefore, if your company is moving workloads to the cloud, or if you are charged with managing security in cloud environments, where do you start? Here are five ways to effectively improve your security posture with the use of cloud services*.

1. Understand cloud security challenges and opportunities.

2. Work closely with IT and operations for technology decisions.

3. Gain consistency across environments.

4. Invest in products that reduce the burden on security staff.

5. Incorporate security into development processes.

No doubt that security can be a major issue with using the cloud. However, with the growing popularity of cloud applications and software significantly in recent years, it's crystal clear that the key to managing security posture in the cloud is helping teams work efficiently, so they can efficiently take the actions needed to reduce risk. And by following the guidelines above, security teams can more effectively manage their cloud security posture.

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