Posted: July 13th, 2022


There is no doubt, that in the area of business, there is endless potential for businesses to grow exponentially. However, imagine the scenario of a business using IoT and Cloud Computing as an instrument for staying competitive, reliable, flexible and scalable for more excellent business value. With the merger of cloud computing and the Internet of Things, businesses can grow exponentially more than what they have planned. They can use IoT; which serves as the data source, and cloud computing; which provides the means to store the data. What a combined effort for a massive boom!

The question now is; how can this two collaborate to bring about the business's digital transformation? Let’s explore.


Scalability is one of the biggest benefits of putting your Internet of Things system on the cloud. Scaling up calls for additional hardware purchases, more time investments, and more configuration work when dealing with complicated on-premise network infrastructures.

On the other hand, with a cloud-based IoT system, adding new resources typically involves renting an additional virtual server or more cloud space, both of which usually have the added benefit of being swiftly implemented.


One advantage of using Cloud Computing is cost reduction for the on-boarding process, infrastructure and operational costs. IoT-based businesses are encouraged to migrate to the cloud with significantly reduced upfront costs and a flexible pricing model based on usage. With this business model, expenses are simpler to estimate, and you won’t have to worry about equipment failures, which may result in significant additional costs and economic losses with internal Internet of Things systems.


Collaboration ensures timely project delivery and quality products. Additionally, applications can share data over cloud platforms. Cloud computing enables those developers of IoT products to collaborate with ease. With IoT device data saved in a cloud and made available to registered employees from anywhere, an organization’s divisions can work together seamlessly. As a result, the employees’ interest, efficiency, productivity, and sense of teamwork will also rise.


Companies are discovering that IoT data differs from traditional enterprise data in terms of features as a result of the integration of data from traditional business applications with data produced by sensors and linked equipment. Cloud computing can help in this situation. Companies can process and store data from both their corporate systems and IoT devices in the very same location, thanks to the cloud’s capacity to hold enormous amounts of data. Businesses can scale up by using the cloud as a wonderful aggregating point for all different systems. By storing their data jointly rather than individually, organisations can do away with the requirement for system integration and audits.


the integrity of the cloud itself is more established. Therefore, you can rely on the security of a cloud solution if you want to use it with your IoT deployments; as it enables businesses to communicate with their IoT devices more effectively and securely.

Although there are still plenty of people who worry about cloud security, recent moves by the top cloud providers have begun to change these views. While the majority of businesses have one or more dedicated security professionals, IoT cloud providers like Amazon and Microsoft have thousands. These enormous security teams are also obligated to follow best practices, adhere to industry-specific standards, and earn the necessary certifications.


A survey found that 20% of cloud users reported that their disaster recovery procedure was completed in 4 hours or less, compared to 9% of users who did not use the cloud.

Data deletion and other IT-related disasters are also probable. For all types of emergency events, including natural disasters, human errors, and power outages, cloud computing and the Internet of Things, in general, provide quick data recovery.

Source: appeinventiv

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